LABORATORY FOR IMAGE AND VIDEO ENGINEERING in collaboration with CENTER FOR PERCEPTUAL SYSTEMS at The University of Texas at Austin -----------COPYRIGHT NOTICE STARTS WITH THIS LINE------------ Copyright (c) 2003 The University of Texas at Austin All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this database (the images, the results and the source files) and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the copyright notice in its entirity appear in all copies of this database, and the original source of this database, Laboratory for Image and Video Engineering (LIVE, and Center for Perceptual Systems (CPS, at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin,, is acknowledged in any publication that reports research using this database. The database is to be cited in the bibliography as: H. R. Sheikh, Z. Wang, L. Cormack and A. C. Bovik, "LIVE Image Quality Assessment Database", IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS DATABASE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE DATABASE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. The following input images are from the CD "Austin and Vicinity" by Visual Delights Inc. ( coinsinfountain.bmp, dancers.bmp, flowersonih35.bmp, studentsculpture.bmp, carnivaldolls.bmp, cemetry.bmp, manfishing.bmp, churchandcapitol.bmp, building2.bmp These images were modified from the original (resized) and then compressed to obtain images in the database. Permission to release these images and their distorted versions was graciously granted by Visual Delights Inc. These images may not be used outside the scope of this database without their prior permission. The rest of the images were public domain Kodak PhotoCD images obtained from the Internet. -----------COPYRIGHT NOTICE ENDS WITH THIS LINE------------ Please contact Hamid Rahim Sheikh ( if you have any questions. This investigators on this research were: Hamid Rahim Sheikh ( -- Department of ECE at UT Austin Dr. Alan C. Bovik ( -- Department of ECE at UT Austin Dr. Lawrence Cormack ( -- Department of Psychology at UT Austin Dr. Zhou Wang ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The subjective experiment release comes with the following files: * This readme file containing copyright information and usage information. * Information file * Two subjective score files containing raw subject scores in text format * Two Matlab .mat files containing processed scores and mean scores as well as standard deviations obtained from processed scores. * Three Matlab source files describing how the processed scores were obtained from the raw scores * individual subject score files (raw data) * alot of images in bmp format. Images of the filename img%%.bmp are the ones used in the testing. the rest were used to derive this database DETAILS OF THE SUBJECTIVE TESTS 29 input images were used to create a database whose results are being provided. The JPEG2000 codec used was Kakadu version 2.2 that comes with the book: "JPEG2000 Image compression fundamentls, standards and practice" by David Taubman and Michael Marcellin, 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. The command for generation of the database was: kdu_compress -i source_filename -o destination_filename -rate bitrate -no_weights The source, destination and the bitrates are given in the info file. The testing procedure was as follows: Twenty-nine high-resolution 24-bits/pixel RGB color images (typically 768 x 512) were compressed using JPEG2000 with different compression ratios to yield a database of 198 images, 29 of which were the original (uncompressed) images. The study was conducted in two sessions, with the original images included in both. Study 1 contained images img1.bmp to img116.bmp, and study 2 contained images img117.bmp to img227.bmp. The bit rates were chosen such that the resulting distribution of quality scores for the compressed images was roughly uniform over the entire range. Each observer was shown the images randomly. Observers were asked to provide their perception of quality on a continuous linear scale that was divided into five equal regions marked with adjectives ”Bad”, ”Poor”, ”Fair”, ”Good” and ”Excellent”. The scale was then converted into 1-100 linearly. The testing was done in two sessions with about half of the images in each session. No viewing distance restrictions were imposed, display device configurations were identical and ambient illumination levels were normal indoor illumination. Subjects were asked to comfortably view the images and make their judgements. A short training preceded the session. INFORMATION FILE The information file contains a list which describes how the database was created. Each line is separate entry in the image database: A bit rate of 0.00000 means a loss-less copy of the source file. SUBJECTIVE SCORE FILES Each image in the database is followed by the scores given to it by the different subjects. A score of 0 means that the subject skipped the image. MATLAB .MAT FILES These files (one for each session) have the following variables: mmt is the mean processed score for the image mst is the standard deviation of the processed scores for the image br is the bit rate used for that image. br==0 means LOSSLESS! scores(i,:) is the array of processed score for image i. A score of zero implies that it was either skipped, or removed in the outlier removal step. "scores" only contains processed scores, which means that some subjects may have been removed. You may want to play with loaddatasort*.m to modify how the outlier detection is performed and how subjects are removed. MATLAB SOURCE FILES These files describe how the processed scores were obtained from the raw scores. INDIVIDUAL SUBJECT SCORE FILES Each line is an entry for an image (except for first line) of the form Image_number raw_score where Image_number corresponds to filename img[Image_number].bmp